Create Online Profile is so easy and simple job and work, and there have a lot free such as three major Google Profile, Yahoo Profile, Myspace Profile. The more you have do it at Internet, the much different marketplace you have chance to growing it.
Today, not only at local you can hear our team name but now our team "Mega Future" are keep growing on Internet. If you are one of our Mega Future Team, then Online Profile (sincerely who you are, and what you are involved for) should not miss out.
Am I always say "The Market Trend Is Change and The Technology Action Is Required", So every of my Mega Future team, from today start to write down your profile as much as detail you can providing, and do not forgot to put your own "Referral Link" from company giving to you after you have successful register.
For Google Online Profile Guideline :
Keep write more thing at "About Me" content, specify who you are, what you are doing now, and who is involved, and which company you are work for, and why you are involved in this business opportunity.
And at Contact part, we are recommended you put the Working Information only for your address, phone, fax, email and IM. You are not really needed to put the full address, and this part you can used the Public Address such as Shopping Center, Member meeting shop and place etc.
For Google Buzz, is like Facebook and twitter. You can keep share and explorer all your latest news, promotion, event into Buzz. The more activity you keep work at daily or with system schedule. Then more online social friends will start concentrate on you, from here increase your Personality Work and Exress.
For Photo part, if you have Online Account for Flickr, Picasa or other online photo service then there is very easy job, just enter the username at online photo account, and let them Integration for linking. All your latest photo update from Flickr will auto update at this Google Online Photo part.
And last part, we also can create the Online Referral Link as right hand side you can see. Put your own eCosway Referral Link, your Contact Link (from other blog, or facebook etc), Other Online Social Community such as Twitter, Facebook, Bookmark Community, website and blog etc. Please only given the related business referral link since you also don't want your clients or visitors confuse what you are trying to do.
See the below photo screen shot sample...
Know more about me at Google Online Profile and Follow me at Follow on Buzz
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